Elon Musk has completely changed the Twitter logo. Now X is visible in place of blue bird on Twitter. Musk said yesterday that he is going to change Twitter's logo to X. He has also shared a photo of the projected picture of the new logo on Twitter's headquarters.
Twitter will now be known as X. Along with this, the logo has been changed on Twitter's official handle (@Twitter). Along with this, the name has also been changed to X. However, only the old logo is visible on the microblogging website. Twitter CEO Linda Yaccarino also gave information about the name X by tweeting. Let us tell that the blue color bird was used in the old logo.
Ever since Elon Musk, one of the richest people in the world, acquired Twitter, many changes have been made on this platform. But changing the name and logo is the biggest decision till date. Linda Yaccarino tweeted saying, like camera, X. Along with this, she mentioned the lighting of the X logo on a building.