A amir Khan admitted that he has become one of Kapil Sharma’s newest and biggest fans. The actor, who was at the trailer launch of Carry On Jatta 3, revealed that since he has been on a break from work, he watched an episode of The Kapil Sharma Show every night and has turned into a fan. Although the praises, Aamir also teased Kapil for not inviting the superstar on his show.
“I have been doing lesser work and spending time with my family so every evening, I enjoy watching something that has comedy in it. Every night, I watch something before sleeping and in the last few months, I have been watching Kapil’s show. I have become such a big fan of him. You would have noticed that I was having the biggest smile when he walked on stage," Aamir said, with a big smile.
“He has made so many of my evening colourful, I have laughed a lot. I called him a few weeks ago and told him, ‘Thank you so much, you entertain people so much, it is such a big task, to cheer people up.’ So I am so happy to see you here and I’m one of your biggest fans, Kapil," he said, looking at Kapil.
“Aur aapne kabhi mujhe show pe kyun nahi bulaya yaar… Before he asks, I thought I’d say it first," Aamir said, leaving everyone in splits. Kapil confessed that he has tried many times but for some reason or the other, he couldn’t get Aamir on board. “I have always met Aamir in crowds and gatherings. I requested him several times as well (to appear on the show) but he would postpone it due to his committments," he said.
Apart from speaking about Kapil, Aamir was also seen perfoming bhagra with Gippy Grewal on the red carpet of the trailer launch of Carry On Jatta 3.