As AAP Convenor and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal arrives in Chandigarh on Wednesday, the Bhagwant Mann cabinet is set for expansion with the addition of two new ministers. Keeping the upcoming local body polls in mind, the ministers expected to be inducted hail from Muktsar and Jalandhar.
Gurmeet Singh Khudian, MLA from Lambi, and Balkar Singh, MLA from Kartarpur, are set to be sworn in as ministers in the Bhagwant Mann cabinet on Wednesday morning, according to sources. However, there are also reports stating that Inderbir Singh Nijjar, the Local Government minister, has resigned from the Cabinet.
The government has sent a letter requesting time from Punjab Governor Banwarilal Purohit for the oath-taking ceremony, which is scheduled to take place in the morning. The letter was sent late in the evening as discussions within the party continued regarding the selection of the new ministers to be inducted.
Touted as a “giant killer" during the 2022 state elections, Gurmeet Singh Khudian defeated the late Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal, who had held the position for five terms. Since the government was formed, there has been speculation about Khudian’s inclusion in the cabinet.
Meanwhile, Balkar Singh played a pivotal role in securing a significant triumph for the Aam Aadmi Party in the recent Jalandhar Lok Sabha by-elections.
The impending induction of ministers in the Bhagwant Mann cabinet marks the third expansion during the 14-month tenure of the Aam Aadmi Party in the state.
Arvind Kejriwal is scheduled to arrive in Chandigarh on Wednesday evening where he will join a gathering of all ministers, MLAs, and MPs (both Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha) from the Aam Aadmi Party in Punjab.
The dinner event, hosted by Punjab Chief Minister Mann, serves the purpose of not only maintaining a positive atmosphere among party leaders but to also inform them about the ordinance the party believes was introduced by the BJP to assert control over officers in Delhi.